Augmented Reality Startups and Venture Capital

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This is a recent VentureBeat OpEd from Zugara titled “Augmented Reality: Where’s the Venture Capital”

A Wall Street Journal article recently proclaimed that, “Augmented Reality Is Finally Gaining Traction.”  Though AR and similar technologies such as Gestural Control are gaining traction with brands and customers, why has AR been unable to attract major investment capital to date?

Gartner’s Hype Cycle is one method to track emerging technologies and where ...

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Augmented World Expo – May 27 – 29

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Only 3 weeks are left before the Augmented World Expo (AWE) comes alive for 2014.  Held every year in Santa Clara, California, AWE is the largest global event for Augmented Reality.  Over the last few years, AWE has expanded beyond Augmented Reality to feature Gesture control and sensors (for the Natural User Interface), wearable technology, ...

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Mobile Augmented Reality & Natural User Interfaces Data (eMarketer)

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A recent study from eMarketer highlighted some encouraging data for Mobile Augmented Reality and Natural User Interface technology use in retail.  The first bit of data comes from a Mobile Shopping Tools study:

“Few consumers use augmented reality tools when shopping via mobile, but those who do are finding them extremely useful. In fact, while just 9% of US internet users surveyed by Catapult Marketing in November 2013 used mobile augmented reality tools when shopping for ...

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Samsung UK Fashion Zone & Virtual Style Sense

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Samsung UK recently released a video that shows Samsung’s Fashion Zone at RBTE with Zugara’s Virtual Style Sense Virtual Dressing Room technology in London.  A video of the Fashion Zone experience is embedded above.  The Fashion Zone was a great platform to show how different technologies ...

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Natural User Interface – Reading List

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Here at Zugara we follow a couple of “emerging spaces” very closely. Chief among them: the natural user interface, augmented reality, wearable computing and the internet of things.  Here are a few recent articles that caught our eye:

  • Leap Motion and HP to embed gesture controls in PCs – link
  • Gesture-control device racks up almost $4 million in pre-orders – link
  • Google Releases Glass Specs – link
  • Amazon Reportedly Buys Siri Competitor for $26M – link
  • Big-Name ...
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The Natural User Interface – In The News

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Looks like 2013 is shaping up to be the year of the Natural User Interface (NUI).  Here at Zugara we’ve been following this space closely for a few years now, and thought you might be interested in seeing some of the recent headlines that caught our eye:

  • Leap Motion sensor control to ship in May, be sold at Best Buy (LA Times)
  • A Look At The New “Kinect” For Smartphones (Fast Company)
  • Thalmic Labs launches MYO, an armband ...
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Come See Us At The Augmented World Expo

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If you’re interested in AR, you’ll want to register for AWE (Augmented World Expo) soon (register before April 9th to receive a $200 discount).  Like always, it looks like it’ll be a great event, and we’d love the chance to meet you (we’ll be presenting and exhibiting).

If you aren’t familiar with AWE, here’s a bit more information about the 2013 event, scheduled for June 4-5, 2013 in Santa Clara, California:

“Now in its 4th year, Augmented World Expo™ (formerly ...

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