Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Tech From Movies – Fantasy vs. Reality

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Differences Between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

In a recent Economist article on the differences between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, they simplified AR and VR down to a film reference: “If virtual reality is “The Matrix”, then Augmented Reality is “Terminator.”  Though this generalization helps with the broader concepts of AR vs. VR, it doesn’t quite help explain all the ...

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Accelerating Evolution Of User Interface Interaction

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Deloitte recently released it’s 2016 Tech Trends Report which had a section devoted to Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and the evolution of user interface design and interaction. The report “identifies eight trends that are likely to disrupt businesses in the next 18-24 months – from blockchain to augmented reality, the Internet of Things, socially responsible applications of technology and ...

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Citibank Debuts Zugara Virtual Dressing Room Tech in Panama

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JARLA Group and Citibank Debut Zugara Virtual Dressing Room Technology in Panama

Zugara reseller, JL Group, recently partnered with Citibank to debut Zugara’s WSS for Kiosks Virtual Dressing Room Tech in Panama.  The Virtual Dressing Room kiosk station had it’s unveiling in a Multiplaza mall and features multiple virtual apparel items for ...

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Augmented Reality Retail – 2014 Year in Review

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2014 was a banner year for Augmented Reality Retail.  2nd generation technologies were finally available leading to more exciting AR experiences across multiple retail channels. At Zugara, we had an exciting year working with Kinect 2, Beacons and Mobile AR apps utilizing geolocation and geofencing.

2014 included a mix of current AR technology deployments as well as exciting 2nd generation devices that will drive ...

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Augmented Reality 2.0 Will Transform Retail

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This article was originally published on LinkedIn Pulse on September 3, 2014.

Of all the new and emerging technologies to debut over the last 10 years, none has had such a swift rise and even quicker downfall through the Hype Cycle than Augmented Reality (AR). From 2008-2011, AR was all the rage in just about every brand category imaginable. But as most agencies, marketers and even AR companies soon ...

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Kinect Virtual Dressing Room Promotion For August

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WSS For Kiosks Basic Interface and Custom Interfaces

Throughout the month of August, we’re offering a 20% discount on licensing of our WSS For Kiosks platform.  Zugara’s WSS For Kiosks Virtual Dressing Room platform is now available with both Kinect v1 and Kinect v2. WSS For Kiosks is a fun and engaging virtual dressing room experience for in-store window displays ...

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Augmented Reality Startups and Venture Capital

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This is a recent VentureBeat OpEd from Zugara titled “Augmented Reality: Where’s the Venture Capital”

A Wall Street Journal article recently proclaimed that, “Augmented Reality Is Finally Gaining Traction.”  Though AR and similar technologies such as Gestural Control are gaining traction with brands and customers, why has AR been unable to attract major investment capital to date?

Gartner’s Hype Cycle is one method to track emerging technologies and where ...

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Nokia, Zugara and Virtuelle Bring Kinect-Based Virtual Dressing Room Experience To South African Malls

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Virtuelle Nokia Virtual Dressing Room Kiosk 1

Virtuelle, a Zugara reseller, recently partnered with Nokia and The Creative Counsel to bring Zugara’s Kinect-based Virtual Dressing Room platform, WSS for Kiosks, to South African Malls.  Multiple kiosk units have been placed throughout ...

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Augmented World Expo – May 27 – 29

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Only 3 weeks are left before the Augmented World Expo (AWE) comes alive for 2014.  Held every year in Santa Clara, California, AWE is the largest global event for Augmented Reality.  Over the last few years, AWE has expanded beyond Augmented Reality to feature Gesture control and sensors (for the Natural User Interface), wearable technology, ...

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