Augmented Reality Investment vs. Virtual Reality Investment

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CB Insights recently posted figures showing Augmented Reality investment vs. Virtual Reality investment to date. There are multiple charts CB Insights posted that you can view here. I’ve included the 2 most relevant charts embedded below.


In the first chart, Virtual Reality funding accelerated and took off in 2014. This is not surprising given that Oculus, Vive and other ...

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Tech From Movies – Fantasy vs. Reality

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Differences Between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

In a recent Economist article on the differences between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, they simplified AR and VR down to a film reference: “If virtual reality is “The Matrix”, then Augmented Reality is “Terminator.”  Though this generalization helps with the broader concepts of AR vs. VR, it doesn’t quite help explain all the ...

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Software Market Projections

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Statista recently posted a chart outlining Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Software Market Projections. The chart is based on data from Goldman Sachs and is one of the first Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality market projections to solely focus on AR/VR software.  You can view the chart below.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Software Market Projections

Over ...

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Lessons Virtual Reality Startups Can Learn from the Augmented Reality Hype Cycle

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Lessons Virtual Reality Startups Can Learn from the Augmented Reality Hype Cycle


Back in 2008, AR could do no wrong. There was unbelievable hype around the technology and a growing amount of interest from just about every brand, company, and investor. Fast-forward three years and by 2011, if you were an AR company, you might as well have worn a ...

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Augmented Reality 2.0 Will Transform Retail

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This article was originally published on LinkedIn Pulse on September 3, 2014.

Of all the new and emerging technologies to debut over the last 10 years, none has had such a swift rise and even quicker downfall through the Hype Cycle than Augmented Reality (AR). From 2008-2011, AR was all the rage in just about every brand category imaginable. But as most agencies, marketers and even AR companies soon ...

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Mobile-Smart for Retail…Not Mobile-First

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This article first appeared on LinkedIn July 15th, 2014.  You can read the original article here.

A recent Techcrunch article entitled, Software Entrepreneurs Must Go Mobile-First or Die, argued that due to growing mobile usage, it’s imperative that startups focus on addressing the mobile segment first. Despite the sensationalistic headline, mobile usage is growing but at different levels across various use cases (i.e. social networking vs. shopping). In fact, for the retail segment, ...

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Augmented Reality Startups and Venture Capital

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This is a recent VentureBeat OpEd from Zugara titled “Augmented Reality: Where’s the Venture Capital”

A Wall Street Journal article recently proclaimed that, “Augmented Reality Is Finally Gaining Traction.”  Though AR and similar technologies such as Gestural Control are gaining traction with brands and customers, why has AR been unable to attract major investment capital to date?

Gartner’s Hype Cycle is one method to track emerging technologies and where ...

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The (Un)Intended Consequences Of The Innovation Act and Patent Reform On Startups

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The following is a VentureBeat OpEd from Zugara entitled “The Innovation Act wins startups a battle but loses them the war” that was posted on April 28th, 2014.  

Over the last few months, there has been increasing media attention on the Innovation Act and patent reform.  Numerous misleading statistics have been used to portray the Patent Troll issue as a crisis that is costing the economy billions and preventing startups from innovating.  There are ...

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For Startups In Emerging Fields, Patents Are Critical

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The following originally ran as a PandoDaily op-ed on 10/12.  You can click here to see the original. 

Debate continues as to whether startups should invest resources into patent filings or use those resources for critical items such as product development. This debates changes, however, when differentiating between startups in existing fields — such as social media — and those in emerging fields — such as augmented reality. Based on my own experience, if a young ...

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Augmented Reality – What Marketer’s Need To Know

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This is an op-ed written by Matthew Szymczyk, CEO of Zugara, that was originally published in AdAge on February 28, 2011. The entire article can be found here.  You can also read the full article below:

Augmented reality — that’s just one of the latest marketing catchphrases, right?

The traditional definition of augmented reality, or AR, refers to the overlay of digital information on a live video feed. If you’ve watched an NFL game on TV and ...

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