AR / VR Study – Consumer Ranked Use Cases

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Accenture AR VR Consumer Study

It’s an exciting year to be in AR as prominent studies are now declaring 2018 a boom year for the Augmented Reality industry. Mobile devices are now ready for more powerful AR experiences and according to this Harris Interactive Digital Consumer Survey for Accenture, consumers are excited and ready for ...

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3 Guides To The Growing List of Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality Companies

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With the growing list of Augmented Reality Companies and Virtual Reality Companies, 3 recent guides have tried to capture how quickly these Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality ecosystems are evolving. As investment into both AR and VR accelerates, recent Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality forecasts continue to show just how massive the AR, VR and Mixed Reality industries will be:

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IDC Projects Retail As Largest AR/VR Industry By 2020

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Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Forecasts

IDC recently updated their Worldwide Semiannual Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Spending Guide to show an increase in forecast revenues of $13.9 Billion in 2017. AR and VR spending is also expected to accelerate over the next few years to a projected $143.3 Billion market by 2020. Wow…

In regards to specific industries that will ...

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Pokémon Go Players Want More Augmented Reality (SURVEY)

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Pokemon Go Augmented Reality

In a previous blog post, we looked at the different areas that contributed to the success of Pokémon Go including the Pokémon brand, geolocation and Augmented Reality. Now a recent survey by Vasona Networks shows that ...

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Accelerating Evolution Of User Interface Interaction

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Deloitte recently released it’s 2016 Tech Trends Report which had a section devoted to Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and the evolution of user interface design and interaction. The report “identifies eight trends that are likely to disrupt businesses in the next 18-24 months – from blockchain to augmented reality, the Internet of Things, socially responsible applications of technology and ...

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Investment Growing…Finally

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Recent news from Digi-Capital showed that in the 1st quarter of 2016, investment in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality grew to $1.1 billion ( compared to $700m total in 2015).  As we’ve noted in the past, investment in Augmented Reality has been particularly slow in comparison to other technologies on the Gartner Hype Cycle.  Initial ...

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Augmented Reality Virtual Dressing Room Use Cases For Shopper Engagement

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Ever since Augmented Reality Virtual Dressing Room Technology debuted on the scene in 2009, there has been both excitement and letdown from the technology.  Initial excitement revolved around how retailers could use these solutions to determine a shopper’s fit, show a shopper inventory (virtually) matched to their size, and even have a shopper buy directly from the Virtual Dressing Room kiosk or site.  However, that excitement eventually turned to letdown as early Augmented Reality technology ...

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Future Trends In Retail (INFOGRAPHIC)

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Forbes recently posted a great infographic showing future trends in retail including virtual dressing rooms.  This corresponds to other data we have been seeing lately showing that Virtual Dressing Rooms were rated as highest Augmented Reality use case for retail conversions.  CMO’s have also selected Augmented Reality as a future ...

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Virtual Dressing Rooms Rated Highest Augmented Reality Use Case For Retail Conversions

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Accenture Augmented Reality Retail Survey

Virtual Dressing Rooms were rated highest Augmented Reality use case for potential retail conversions in a recent Accenture survey.  The survey entitled, Life of the Digital Edge: How Augmented Reality Can Enhance Customer Experience and Drive Growth, can be viewed here (PDF).

Along with the interesting Augmented Reality use case survey results (pictured above), ...

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CMO’s Select Augmented Reality As Future Trend For Marketing

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Future Trends Impacting Marketing By 2020 Survey

MarketingCharts just released interesting results from an Economist survey of top marketers. PDF of the study is here.  One of the areas of the study asked marketers to select future trends that would affect marketing by 2020.  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality were selected by 26% of CMO’s ...

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