Virtual Dressing Rooms Rated Highest Augmented Reality Use Case For Retail Conversions

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Accenture Augmented Reality Retail Survey

Virtual Dressing Rooms were rated highest Augmented Reality use case for potential retail conversions in a recent Accenture survey.  The survey entitled, Life of the Digital Edge: How Augmented Reality Can Enhance Customer Experience and Drive Growth, can be viewed here (PDF).

Along with the interesting Augmented Reality use case survey results (pictured above), ...

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CMO’s Select Augmented Reality As Future Trend For Marketing

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Future Trends Impacting Marketing By 2020 Survey

MarketingCharts just released interesting results from an Economist survey of top marketers. PDF of the study is here.  One of the areas of the study asked marketers to select future trends that would affect marketing by 2020.  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality were selected by 26% of CMO’s ...

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Mcommerce Only 2.4% of Total U.S. Retail Sales by 2018: How Will Mobile Influence The In-Store Retail Experience?

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eMarketer retail sales projection 2018

eMarketer recently released it’s first ever forecast for total U.S. retail and retail store sales and the results are surprising – if you’re a ‘mobile first’ advocate.  Though U.S. total retails sales are projected to grow to $5.5 trillion by 2018, mobile commerce, or mcommerce, is only set to grow to 2.4% of total retail sales in ...

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Gen Y And The Technology They Use For Their In-Store Shopping Experience

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A recent infographic from Merchant Warehouse has some interesting data regarding Millennials (Gen Y) and various technology they are using for online, mobile and in-store retail channels.  One particular stat for this Gen Y demographic stood out – 73% of the Millennial demographic purchase clothes in-store.  

In a previous blog post, we covered a recent Motorola Shopping Study that had a breakdown of technologies Gen Y rated as having an influence on ...

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Intelligent Dressing Rooms & Interactive Mirrors Influence Gen Y Shopping Experience (STUDY)

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Motorola recently released a very detailed and informative study covering technology and it’s impact on online and offline retail.  The 2014 Motorola Solutions Shopping Study covers topics including:

  • Retail technology that shoppers felt would influence their shopping experience (broken down by Generation)
  • Online, mobile and in-store technologies and relevant uses of these technologies in each channel
  • Retail associate views ...
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