ARKit Developers And Top ARKit Apps

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ARKit Developer

Ever since the release of Apple’s ARKit platform, ARKit developers have been creating some amazing ARKit apps. Just in the last month we have seen everything from a variety of ARKit inter-dimensional portals, to ARKit measuring tools and an ARKit Pac-man recreation. With ARKit as part of iOS 11 and projected to be released with the ...

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Hungry Jack’s Mobile Augmented Reality Game

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Hungry Jack's Protect Your Whopper Mobile Augmented Reality Game Promo Image

Hungry Jack’s in Australia recently released a fun and innovative mobile augmented reality game for its fast food customers.  Working with UserXMetrics and BBDO, Zugara helped to create this location-based augmented reality game experience.  More on the game from UserX below:

Users are challenged to protect their Whopper ...

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Augmented Reality Retail – 2014 Year in Review

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2014 was a banner year for Augmented Reality Retail.  2nd generation technologies were finally available leading to more exciting AR experiences across multiple retail channels. At Zugara, we had an exciting year working with Kinect 2, Beacons and Mobile AR apps utilizing geolocation and geofencing.

2014 included a mix of current AR technology deployments as well as exciting 2nd generation devices that will drive ...

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Augmented Reality 2.0 Will Transform Retail

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This article was originally published on LinkedIn Pulse on September 3, 2014.

Of all the new and emerging technologies to debut over the last 10 years, none has had such a swift rise and even quicker downfall through the Hype Cycle than Augmented Reality (AR). From 2008-2011, AR was all the rage in just about every brand category imaginable. But as most agencies, marketers and even AR companies soon ...

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Augmented Reality Increases Visits To Aquarium

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Augmented Reality Penguins

We always like to share Augmented Reality data we come across and this is another results-driven use of AR.  From

It is not particularly easy to locate the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo anymore. This 35-year-old facility noticed a significant drop in attendance over the last couple years, and the biggest reason for this, according to ...

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Mobile Augmented Reality & Natural User Interfaces Data (eMarketer)

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A recent study from eMarketer highlighted some encouraging data for Mobile Augmented Reality and Natural User Interface technology use in retail.  The first bit of data comes from a Mobile Shopping Tools study:

“Few consumers use augmented reality tools when shopping via mobile, but those who do are finding them extremely useful. In fact, while just 9% of US internet users surveyed by Catapult Marketing in November 2013 used mobile augmented reality tools when shopping for ...

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