Augmented Reality Retail – 2014 Year in Review

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2014 was a banner year for Augmented Reality Retail.  2nd generation technologies were finally available leading to more exciting AR experiences across multiple retail channels. At Zugara, we had an exciting year working with Kinect 2, Beacons and Mobile AR apps utilizing geolocation and geofencing.

2014 included a mix of current AR technology deployments as well as exciting 2nd generation devices that will drive ...

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The Phillies Virtual Mirror Dresses Fans In Historical Jerseys

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Phillies Virtual Mirror Compilation Zugara’s WSS For Kiosks virtual dressing room software was recently optimized with Kinect for Windows v2.  Our first installation with Kinect v2 debuted with the Phillies Major League Baseball Team at Citizen’s Bank Stadium in Philadelphia.  Working with ...

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Verizon Edge Motion Capture Game Wins Silver Award For Best Use Of Gamification

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Verizon Edge Avoid and Capture Game

Event Marketer magazine recently announced the winners of the 2014 Event Technology Awards, the world’s largest and only recognition program honoring the power of integrating technology into events and trade shows. The Verizon Edge Motion Capture Game was the Silver winner in the Best Use of ...

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Augmented Reality 2.0 Will Transform Retail

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This article was originally published on LinkedIn Pulse on September 3, 2014.

Of all the new and emerging technologies to debut over the last 10 years, none has had such a swift rise and even quicker downfall through the Hype Cycle than Augmented Reality (AR). From 2008-2011, AR was all the rage in just about every brand category imaginable. But as most agencies, marketers and even AR companies soon ...

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Augmented Reality Increases Visits To Aquarium

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Augmented Reality Penguins

We always like to share Augmented Reality data we come across and this is another results-driven use of AR.  From

It is not particularly easy to locate the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo anymore. This 35-year-old facility noticed a significant drop in attendance over the last couple years, and the biggest reason for this, according to ...

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Kinect Game Platform For Experiential Marketing

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Zugara now has our popular Avoid and Capture game platform available with Kinect for experiential marketing.  The Avoid and Capture game platform combines the best features of motion capture, gesture interaction and augmented reality for a unique and fun gameplay experience. Avoid and Capture gameplay includes a fast-paced “avoid” bad items and “capture” good items engine that challenges players to use motions and gestures to build their score.  An example of Avoid and Capture gameplay is featured ...

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