Virtual Dressing Rooms Rated Highest Augmented Reality Use Case For Retail Conversions

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Accenture Augmented Reality Retail Survey

Virtual Dressing Rooms were rated highest Augmented Reality use case for potential retail conversions in a recent Accenture survey.  The survey entitled, Life of the Digital Edge: How Augmented Reality Can Enhance Customer Experience and Drive Growth, can be viewed here (PDF).

Along with the interesting Augmented Reality use case survey results (pictured above), ...

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CMO’s Select Augmented Reality As Future Trend For Marketing

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Future Trends Impacting Marketing By 2020 Survey

MarketingCharts just released interesting results from an Economist survey of top marketers. PDF of the study is here.  One of the areas of the study asked marketers to select future trends that would affect marketing by 2020.  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality were selected by 26% of CMO’s ...

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Augmented Reality Startups and Venture Capital

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This is a recent VentureBeat OpEd from Zugara titled “Augmented Reality: Where’s the Venture Capital”

A Wall Street Journal article recently proclaimed that, “Augmented Reality Is Finally Gaining Traction.”  Though AR and similar technologies such as Gestural Control are gaining traction with brands and customers, why has AR been unable to attract major investment capital to date?

Gartner’s Hype Cycle is one method to track emerging technologies and where ...

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Mobile Augmented Reality & Natural User Interfaces Data (eMarketer)

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A recent study from eMarketer highlighted some encouraging data for Mobile Augmented Reality and Natural User Interface technology use in retail.  The first bit of data comes from a Mobile Shopping Tools study:

“Few consumers use augmented reality tools when shopping via mobile, but those who do are finding them extremely useful. In fact, while just 9% of US internet users surveyed by Catapult Marketing in November 2013 used mobile augmented reality tools when shopping for ...

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Intelligent Dressing Rooms & Interactive Mirrors Influence Gen Y Shopping Experience (STUDY)

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Motorola recently released a very detailed and informative study covering technology and it’s impact on online and offline retail.  The 2014 Motorola Solutions Shopping Study covers topics including:

  • Retail technology that shoppers felt would influence their shopping experience (broken down by Generation)
  • Online, mobile and in-store technologies and relevant uses of these technologies in each channel
  • Retail associate views ...
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Augmented Reality Finally Gaining Traction – WSJ

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Rocket Ship Launching

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article entitled, “Augmented Reality Finally Starts To Gain Traction” (Log In required). I would go a bit further and say that AR is ready to take off. The article is a great read on recent traction of AR on mobile devices, in the automotive segment, and ...

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Augmented Reality & Retail – Don’t Believe The Hype (Presentation)

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For those of you that weren’t able to make it the Augmented Reality Event, we wanted to share Matt’s presentation from yesterday (5/8).  Titled “The Augmented Reality Retail Hype Cycle 2012”, Matt discussed the market viability and realities of several AR retail triggers within today’s marketplace (not 5 years from now), including: smart-phones, in-store kiosks (OOH), tablets, web and the digital living room.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions in the comments below. ...

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