Museu do Futebol and Zugara Launch Virtual Soccer Jersey Try On

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In Brazil, Museu do Futebol (Museum of Football) has deployed 2 Kinect-based installations for museum visitors to try on virtual football (soccer) jerseys.  The virtual dressing room experience is part of an interactive Libertadores exhibition and allows visitors to virtually join iconic Brazilian football teams.  The installations are cornerstones of the exhibition will be available with our WSS for Kiosks software throughout the year.

Zugara Virtual Dressing ...</p><a class= Continue Reading →


Future Trends In Retail (INFOGRAPHIC)

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Forbes recently posted a great infographic showing future trends in retail including virtual dressing rooms.  This corresponds to other data we have been seeing lately showing that Virtual Dressing Rooms were rated as highest Augmented Reality use case for retail conversions.  CMO’s have also selected Augmented Reality as a future ...

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Virtual Dressing Rooms Rated Highest Augmented Reality Use Case For Retail Conversions

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Accenture Augmented Reality Retail Survey

Virtual Dressing Rooms were rated highest Augmented Reality use case for potential retail conversions in a recent Accenture survey.  The survey entitled, Life of the Digital Edge: How Augmented Reality Can Enhance Customer Experience and Drive Growth, can be viewed here (PDF).

Along with the interesting Augmented Reality use case survey results (pictured above), ...

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CMO’s Select Augmented Reality As Future Trend For Marketing

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Future Trends Impacting Marketing By 2020 Survey

MarketingCharts just released interesting results from an Economist survey of top marketers. PDF of the study is here.  One of the areas of the study asked marketers to select future trends that would affect marketing by 2020.  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality were selected by 26% of CMO’s ...

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Hungry Jack’s Mobile Augmented Reality Game

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Hungry Jack's Protect Your Whopper Mobile Augmented Reality Game Promo Image

Hungry Jack’s in Australia recently released a fun and innovative mobile augmented reality game for its fast food customers.  Working with UserXMetrics and BBDO, Zugara helped to create this location-based augmented reality game experience.  More on the game from UserX below:

Users are challenged to protect their Whopper ...

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HoloLens and The Future of Augmented Reality

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HoloLens Augmented Reaity Live Demo

Well today was a big announcement and huge step forward for Augmented Reality.  Microsoft announced the HoloLens as seen in the on stage demo above.  You can read more about the announcement and view the live demo here.  The actual HoloLens live demo pictured above starts at around the 1:37:00 mark.

Microsoft’s HoloLens ...

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Augmented Reality Retail – 2014 Year in Review

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2014 was a banner year for Augmented Reality Retail.  2nd generation technologies were finally available leading to more exciting AR experiences across multiple retail channels. At Zugara, we had an exciting year working with Kinect 2, Beacons and Mobile AR apps utilizing geolocation and geofencing.

2014 included a mix of current AR technology deployments as well as exciting 2nd generation devices that will drive ...

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The Phillies Virtual Mirror Dresses Fans In Historical Jerseys

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Phillies Virtual Mirror Compilation Zugara’s WSS For Kiosks virtual dressing room software was recently optimized with Kinect for Windows v2.  Our first installation with Kinect v2 debuted with the Phillies Major League Baseball Team at Citizen’s Bank Stadium in Philadelphia.  Working with ...

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