Augmented Reality For E-Commerce – Zugara’s ARE Presentation

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Earlier this week, our CEO Matt Szymczyk spoke on a panel at the Augmented Reality Event in Santa Clara.  The topic was “AR for E-Commerce”, and embedded below is his presentation.  In it, he discusses our history of innovation; webcam usage stats; the fact that our product The Webcam Social Shopper is completely ready for market; and, findings from our Usability Testing.

Planning Some Augmented Reality For The Tablet Market? You May Want To Wait…

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On the surface, Augmented Reality and Tablets seem like a match made in heaven.  The press has fallen in love with the idea and given the concept an inordinate amount of coverage.  But the fact is 95% of Americans don’t own a tablet (admittedly, some might argue that I should add a “yet” at the end of that sentence).  So when it comes to AR should brands and marketers dedicate budget towards the device today?

According ...

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Microsoft’s Position On Kinect Hacks

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Every since the Microsoft Kinect came out, we’ve seen some talented individuals create some pretty amazing hacks demonstrating what the system is really capable of.  Recently though, we’ve started to see “Commercial Hacks”, that is businesses hacking the system to create in store experiences for their consumers.  I just wanted to point out real quick,  (before you rush out and create your own hack) that these executions do not have Microsoft’s blessing.  From an article in the ...

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Zugara Won A Webby! Our Augmented Reality Banner Takes The “Rich Media: B to C” Category

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Just wanted to share some more good news.  A few weeks ago, we let you know that a banner ad we concepted and created for AT&T (with BBDO and Zoic Studios) was up for a Webby Award.  Well, we just wanted to share the news that today the winners were announced, and we won!

If you get a moment, it’s definitely worth checking out all the winners, as there’s some great work being showcased.

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Our Augmented Reality Soccer Banner Is Up For A Webby!

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Long time readers of this blog may remember the Augmented Reality Soccer Banner we (Zugara) created for last year’s World Cup. Working as a team with BBDO and Zoic Studios we concepted and created a game for AT&T that used our proprietary motion capture technology (ZugMO) to allow people with a webcam to “head in” corner kicks (video below).

Well that banner ad is up for a Webby ...

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Microsoft’s Advances With The NUI

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Fascinating video from Kinect Hacks showing what Microsoft’s been working on with Natural User Interfaces (NUI). How soon this will be a reality is unknown, but it’s definitely making the future look that much cooler…


Augmented Reality – What Marketer’s Need To Know

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This is an op-ed written by Matthew Szymczyk, CEO of Zugara, that was originally published in AdAge on February 28, 2011. The entire article can be found here.  You can also read the full article below:

Augmented reality — that’s just one of the latest marketing catchphrases, right?

The traditional definition of augmented reality, or AR, refers to the overlay of digital information on a live video feed. If you’ve watched an NFL game on TV and ...

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