For Startups In Emerging Fields, Patents Are Critical

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The following originally ran as a PandoDaily op-ed on 10/12.  You can click here to see the original. 

Debate continues as to whether startups should invest resources into patent filings or use those resources for critical items such as product development. This debates changes, however, when differentiating between startups in existing fields — such as social media — and those in emerging fields — such as augmented reality. Based on my own experience, if a young ...

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Key Augmented Reality & Retail Patent Issued To Zugara

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Patent Relates To The “Virtual Dressing Room” Of Today & Tomorrow

Los Angeles – September 25 – We’re pleased to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted Zugara a patent on our augmented reality social commerce platform, The Webcam Social Shopper (WSS). “Today we were issued our first patent, and for the future of retail, it’s an important one” said Matt Szymczyk, CEO of Zugara.

The ...

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Amazing Tupac Hologram at Coachella Music Festival

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There’s debate as to whether holograms are technically augmented reality but either way, the advances with hologram technology are simply amazing.   Japanese virtual star, Hatsune Miku, has been selling out real concerts and you can view that embedded video below.  But, even more impressive (and albeit a tad creepy) was the recent hologram of Tupac performing with Dr. Dre at the Coachella Music Festival.  You can view that video here or ...

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Augmented Reality Brand Engagements Continue To Yield Impressive Metrics

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About a month ago we shared some data from an augmented reality brand engagement that we created with SocialVibe and Deutsch titled: “Anthem Blue Cross Webcam Exam”.  Running on Zynga’s network the ad unit saw the following metrics:

  • Average time spent – 76.1 seconds
  • Click through to the landing page for more information after completing the interaction with the advertisement – 71.6%
Well, our second execution with SocialVibe, this time a brand engagement for Toyota’s Prius is yielding even better ...
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Branded Augmented Reality Campaigns Provide High Engagement Metrics

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The end of last year we partnered with SocialVibe and Deutsch to launch the “Anthem Blue Cross Webcam Exam” for Zynga’s network.   It was a branded engagement that used augmented reality to allow people to interact with three Doctor’s tools — if you’re interested you can read more about it here.   Today, I just wanted to share some of the data being released:

The average time spent with the Anthem Blue Cross ad is 76.1 seconds, ...

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