A List – Augmented Reality And Venture Capital Funding

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Note: We will continue to update this page in the coming months. For now, you can view the following links to keep up to date on latest Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality startup investment and venture capital funding:

  • Investment in AR/VR Startups Hit All-Time High (CB Insights) (Link)
  • The Most Active Investors in Augmented/Virtual Reality And Their Companies in One Infographic (CB Insights) (Link)

Investment in augmented reality development is one key to our industry’s success. ...

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Augmented Reality “3D Virtual Fitting Rooms” — The Good & The Bad

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Have you seen the coverage of these  “3D Virtual Fitting Rooms”?  Thanks to the power of the Microsoft Kinect several of these hacks products have entered the market over the past few months, and they’re getting a bit of media attention (wait, here’s another one that just launched yet is claiming to be the “first”).  Because of these articles, I’ve been asked by a few people for my thoughts on these 3D Virtual Fitting Rooms, hence the post below. ...

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Who Does AR Better? Disney, National Geographic or Lynx?

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This year we’ve seen some pretty cool “out of home” branded augmented reality executions.  Below are videos from Disney, National Geographic and Lynx showcasing their work.  As you’ll see, they are pretty similar in concept, and yet subtly different in execution.

It’s always fun to watch people’s reactions in these videos. Part amazement, part wonder and part pure joy.  I like all three executions, but personally, the National Geographic’s one is my favorite.  Admittedly, I’m a bit of a nerd ...

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AR Used To Teach Proper Breast Cancer Exam Technique

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When it comes to Cancer, the importance of regular self examinations cannot be overstated. But, what’s the right way to administer those exams? The fact is, most people don’t know how to properly examine themselves, and many are too embarrassed to ask…

So we teamed up with Saatchi & Saatchi Mexico to create a Breast Cancer Awareness application for Olay that utilizes an animated silhouette (and a motion capture interface) to educate women on the proper technique ...

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Another Augmented Reality Brand Engagement Goes Live

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Hey Folks! Our newest augmented reality brand engagement is live, and you can check it out here. Unfortunately, we’re not cleared to discuss any of the details around the execution (in this blog) so this is going to be the extent of this post. But, you’re a smart crowd, so I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to figure it out once you click on the link above…

Note:  The engagement actually launches as a pop-up off the site, ...

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SocialVibe & Zugara Bring Augmented Reality To Zynga’s Network

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Are you familiar with SocialVibe? Odds are, you’ve seen their work. They power user-initiated brand engagements on some of the web’s most visited networks. Networks like Zynga Games and Pandora.  If you’d like more information on SocialVibe, Fast Company ran a great piece on them the other week.

Recently, we partnered with SocialVibe and Deutsch to create the “Anthem Blue Cross Webcam Exam” for Zynga’s network. It’s a fun, interactive Augmented Reality “Check-Up” that reminds people of ...

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Why We’re Developing Our Ecommerce AR Software For PC Users, Not Mobile

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In the past we’ve addressed some of the technical limitations that we see with the mobile augmented reality space in general. In this post, I want to get very specific and address why we don’t currently develop our ecommerce augmented reality software for the mobile market (as we get this question a fair amount). For those of you that are unfamiliar with our software, The Webcam Social Shopper, I’ve embedded an introductory video below.

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