Augmented Reality & The Sales Process (Data)

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In the past we’ve shared the data we’ve collected on our augmented reality work.  But we truly love it when others in the industry share their findings as well.  Below, you’ll find data from a study that the folks over at Hidden Creative conducted on Augmented Reality and the Sales Process.  I’ll let their information below speak for itself, but I’d love to get your thoughts in the comments…

From Hidden’s Blog:

The Methodology

100 ...

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The ROI Of Ecommerce Augmented Reality Software – Data From A Retail Execution

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A few weeks ago, we integrated our Ecommerce Augmented Reality Software into every product detail page on Banana Flame’s site. Now, data is obviously important to our business, but it’s our position that it’s also important to the entire Augmented Reality community. “It’s cool, but where’s the ROI? Do you have any data?” is something everyone that works with AR has heard. Unfortunately, most companies are tight-lipped about the numbers they’re seeing. Which is a ...

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eMarketer Predicts Augmented Reality Will Drive Ecommerce Growth

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Yesterday I participated in an eMarketer webinar on “The Future of US Retail Ecommerce” and I wanted to draw your attention to one of their predictions: Ecommerce will outperform in-store sales over the next few years.  And according to eMarketer, one of the factors driving that growth is Augmented Reality, which they label as a “sophisticated merchandising technique”.  Of course as some of you may know, here at Zugara we’re just “a touch bullish” on Augmented Reality’s ...

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Teen Girls View Shopping As Entertainment

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eMarketer recently had an interview with Catherine Moellering who runs the Tobe Report, a fashion industry publication that forecasts trends.  There were a few important insights on Teen Girls and their shopping habits that are listed below:

  • Teen girls are motivated by what their peers are doing and what they’re wearing
  • You have to find a way to engage this consumer (teen girls) and keep her involved beyond sales promotions and coupons
  • It’s really ...
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