Augmented Reality & Retail – Don’t Believe The Hype (Presentation)

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For those of you that weren’t able to make it the Augmented Reality Event, we wanted to share Matt’s presentation from yesterday (5/8).  Titled “The Augmented Reality Retail Hype Cycle 2012”, Matt discussed the market viability and realities of several AR retail triggers within today’s marketplace (not 5 years from now), including: smart-phones, in-store kiosks (OOH), tablets, web and the digital living room.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions in the comments below. ...

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Apparel Sales To Lead Ecommerce Growth Through 2016 – Data

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eMarketer released a report today that I thought you’d find interesting.  Their main finding states that the apparel and accessories category (in the U.S.) is now “climbing faster than any other other ecommerce product segment.”  In fact, while ecommerce in general is expected to remain very strong this year, up 15% from 2011 (reaching $224.2 billion), apparel will outpace the market in 2012 by gaining 20% (reaching $41 billion).

And it’s not just 2012.  “The apparel and ...

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Augmented Reality “3D Virtual Fitting Rooms” — The Good & The Bad

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Have you seen the coverage of these  “3D Virtual Fitting Rooms”?  Thanks to the power of the Microsoft Kinect several of these hacks products have entered the market over the past few months, and they’re getting a bit of media attention (wait, here’s another one that just launched yet is claiming to be the “first”).  Because of these articles, I’ve been asked by a few people for my thoughts on these 3D Virtual Fitting Rooms, hence the post below. ...

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Building Online Shopping Experiences Drives Offline Sales

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One of the great things about ecommerce is that ROI has always been seemingly straight forward and easy to measure. All the necessary data is right there, at every retailer’s fingertips. They know what they invested, and they can measure the direct effect that that investment had on their business. But it turns out that in today’s marketplace, only measuring an online investment’s affect online no longer gives an accurate look into that investment’s true ROI. That’s because ...

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