Key Augmented Reality & Retail Patent Issued To Zugara

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Patent Relates To The “Virtual Dressing Room” Of Today & Tomorrow

Los Angeles – September 25 – We’re pleased to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted Zugara a patent on our augmented reality social commerce platform, The Webcam Social Shopper (WSS). “Today we were issued our first patent, and for the future of retail, it’s an important one” said Matt Szymczyk, CEO of Zugara.

The ...

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Augmented Reality & Retail – Don’t Believe The Hype (Presentation)

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For those of you that weren’t able to make it the Augmented Reality Event, we wanted to share Matt’s presentation from yesterday (5/8).  Titled “The Augmented Reality Retail Hype Cycle 2012”, Matt discussed the market viability and realities of several AR retail triggers within today’s marketplace (not 5 years from now), including: smart-phones, in-store kiosks (OOH), tablets, web and the digital living room.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions in the comments below. ...

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Online Retailer’s Conversion Rates Up Nearly 5x Thanks To Augmented Reality

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As we noted last week, we’re going to work to share as much data as we can from retailers that license our ecommerce augmented reality software, the Webcam Social Shopper (WSS).

Today we’re only sharing one stat, but it’s pretty compelling one (we think):  Banana Flame has seen conversions on the “add to cart” button skyrocket from 1.16% to 5.38% since our Webcam Social Shopper was integrated. That means roughly five times as many ...

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Our Augmented Reality Soccer Banner Is Up For A Webby!

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Long time readers of this blog may remember the Augmented Reality Soccer Banner we (Zugara) created for last year’s World Cup. Working as a team with BBDO and Zoic Studios we concepted and created a game for AT&T that used our proprietary motion capture technology (ZugMO) to allow people with a webcam to “head in” corner kicks (video below).

Well that banner ad is up for a Webby ...

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